Quatre amis, Etienne, Daniel, Simon et Bouly ont du mal à grandir et, la quarantaine révolue, continuent de se jouer des tours. Etienne, qui est toujours resté. Making the most of your 2015 DNA testing dollars. In 2012, The Legal Genealogist led off a Sunday DNA blog by asking “how do you get the most bang for the DNA buck. Parole & Pardon Hearings Pardon Application Parole Board FAQ Applying for a Pardon. Click here to get a printable PDF.
A pardon is a government decision to allow a person who has been convicted of a crime to be free and absolved of that conviction, as if they were never convicted.
Most bang for the DNA buck. Making the most of your 2. DNA testing dollars. In 2. 01. 2, The Legal Genealogist led off a Sunday DNA blog by asking “how do you get the most bang for the DNA buck?”That was followed up in 2. DNA tests, and in 2.
Me blew some of the recommendations out of the water. And — with price changes, feature changes, the advent of international sales, and changes in the way data may be treated at some companies — it’s time now for another update. We’re talking here about autosomal DNA tests. Autosomal DNA testing, remember, is the kind of test that works across genders to locate relatives — cousins — from all parts of your family tree. That’s in contrast to YDNA testing, which only men can do and which looks at the direct paternal line, or mitochondrial DNA testing, which looks at the direct maternal line. If you’re interested if YDNA or mt.
DNA testing, Family Tree DNA is the only game in town. There are three major autosomal DNA tests you can take for genetic genealogy — from Family Tree DNA, from 2. Me, from Ancestry DNA — and even a fourth test from National Geographic called Geno 2. All of which I have taken. Admittedly, I’m a DNA junkie. I’ve never met a DNA test I wouldn’t take.
There are real advantages to testing as widely as possible: you’re looking to find people who match you, and the key person who can help you break down your brick wall may have only tested with one company. But since nobody is handing out DNA kits for free, the question remains? And the answer depends in part on what it is you want to find out through your DNA testing. Every one of the genetic genealogy companies has its pros and its cons. A comparison chart explaining what features the companies do and don’t have is available in the Wiki for the International Society of Genetic Genealogy (ISOGG).
Prepared by Tim Janzen, a medical doctor with a deep understanding of autosomal DNA testing, the Autosomal DNA testing comparison chart provides a good overview. Here’s my own take. If you can only afford to test with one company (no change from 2. If you’re serious about using DNA as a tool in your genealogy toolkit and you can only afford to test with one company, then the company to test with is Family Tree DNA.
It has more to offer the genealogist than anybody else in terms of the number of serious genealogists who use it and the features and ease of use it offers. Contacting matches is easy and the amount of information provided about matches is the best in the business. If your primary interest is in medical information (updated for 2. If you really want to know about the medical secrets hidden in your DNA, and you live in Canada or the United Kingdom, you can now test with 2.
Me. In the international market, the company is free of the constraints it’s been under since late 2. United States. Here in the U. S., the dust- up with the federal Food and Drug Administration over the representations 2. Me was making about what autosomal results meant for health issues has brought those reports to a halt and consumers here have to use a third party utility to get health- related reports. So if this is what you want, and you live in Canada or the United Kingdom, test with 2. Me. 2. 3and. Me is generally regarded as doing the best job in estimating relatively recent origins (where your family lived 5. European versus African, for example).
At the country level (Irish versus German, for example), they’re just a guess. If you want to help everybody understand admixtures better for the future, and you can afford it, consider testing with National Geographic’s Geno 2. That’s where the real scientific work is being done and, if enough people test, maybe someday the information we all get about deep ancestry will be better as a result.
It’s not cheap — $1. If the person you want to test is very old or very young (no change for 2. Watch The Star (2017) Free there. Most of the time, how you test doesn’t matter.
But if the person you want to test is older or younger, you may need to avoid a test that requires saliva, such as the tests from Ancestry. DNA and 2. 3and. Me. Older people sometimes can’t produce enough saliva to test and it’s impossible to tell a baby how to produce the kind of saliva needed. Family Tree DNA uses swabs rubbed on the inside of the cheek and that avoids this problem. If you want to link your DNA results to your family tree (updated for 2. The only company right now that links DNA results to your family tree and compares it to others’ family trees is Ancestry. DNA. Tests for new accounts created after October 2.
DNA match and a tree match, and — if you are a subscriber and have a public tree — it will try to group you and others who are also subscribers with public trees into what are called DNA Circles based on what it thinks are the likely common ancestors. When the tree information is right, it’s a wonderfully useful tool. It’s considerably less so when — as is common — the tree information is wrong, or your match doesn’t have a tree at Ancestry, or your match’s tree is private.
There are no real analytical tools at Ancestry. DNA to compare DNA when there is no tree match — and no plans to add any. Note that 2. 3and. Me has just partnered up with My. Heritage, which does have a strong family tree system, but just how it’s going to work is anybody’s guess. If you don’t want your data sold to Big Pharma (new for 2. Many genealogists — because of our general interest in research — are perfectly happy to have their DNA data used for health- and medical- related research.
But it’s important to know just who might be getting the data in order to do the research. It isn’t, say, the National Institutes of Health, with the benefits and findings from the research universally shared with all Americans. It’s the pharmaceutical industry, which will patent its findings and charge what the market will bear for any treatments or drugs that result.
There’s nothing legally wrong with this — but it makes some of us uncomfortable. So understand what you’re agreeing to if you test. The terms of use at 2. Me allow it to sell the data of anyone who has consented to participate in research and, in fact, it has just entered into two agreements with major pharmaceutical companies to do just that.
And it can share your data combined with that of all other 2. Me users even if you didn’t consent to research.
Those who agree to participate in Ancestry. DNA’s research project agree to allow their genealogical, genetic, and health information to be used and shared with third- party researchers — which can include private companies like the pharmaceutical industry. Both companies will require additional specific consent to share your personal identifying information (name, address and the like). If you don’t want your data used this way, you should only test with Family Tree DNA. Its terms of use (from parent company Gene by Gene) provide that you will be individually asked for consent if it ever wants to share your genetic data with anyone.
If you want to fish in all the ponds for the lowest price (updated for 2. Of course, the best way to get all the matches you can possibly get it to test with all three major companies. These days, testing with all three is less expensive than it used to be to test with just one.
But you can save yourself a little bit of money and get your results into all three databases this way: Step 1. Test with Ancestry. DNA first. It’ll cost you $9. U. S. You don’t need to pay that to test and get your raw data, but do need to pay it to see everything Ancestry. DNA has to offer. Step 2. The minute you get your results from Ancestry. DNA, transfer your raw data to Family Tree DNA.
When I say “transfer,” that doesn’t end your matches at Ancestry. DNA, it just gets you into the Family Tree DNA system with all of its benefits. You can do this for free but remember that “no free lunch” bit: the information you get with a free transfer is very limited.
Maximum Marks are 3. The number of marks carried by a question is indicated against it. Answers must be written in ENGLISH only. Word limit in questions, wherever specified, should be adhered to.
Any page or portion of the page left blank in the Question- cum- Answer Booklet must be clearly struck off. Essay (1. 00 marks)Q1.
Write an essay in about 6. Impact of politics on society. E- commerce: a win- win situation for all. Read carefully the passage given below and write your answers to the questions that follow in clear, correct and concise language – 1. The lack of vegetation exposes the vulnerable surface of the ground to the processes of denudation. About one- third of the land surface of the world is arid or semi- arid Deserts are usually hot and barren places; yet they are also beautiful. A few plants, rocks and dusty red- brown soil make up the ingredients of most North American deserts where there is sufficient food and water for certain animals to survive.
Deserts cover more than one- fifth of the Earth’s land and they are found on every continent. A place that receives less than 1.
They are part of a wider classification of regions called “dry land”. These areas exist under a moisture deficit, which means they repeatedly lose more moisture through evaporation than they receive from annual precipitation.
Deserts are biologically rich habitats with a vast array of animals and plants that have adapted to harsh conditions there. Some Deserts plants that have adapted to harsh conditions there. Some deserts are among the planet s last remaining areas of total wilderness. Yet more than one billion people, one- sixth of the Earth’s population, actually live in the desert regions. Despite the common notion of deserts as dry and hot, there are cold deserts as well. One famous dry and hot place in the world with no visible rock or plant and barely any water is the Sahara desert. It is the largest hot desert in the world that reaches temperatures of up to 1.
Fahrenheit during the day. Some deserts are very cold, like the Gobi desert in Asia and the desert on the continent of Antarctica.
Only about 1. 0 percent of deserts are covered by sand dunes. The driest deserts get less than half an inch of precipitation each year and that is from condensed fog. Desert animals have adapted ways to help them keep cool and The Animal when the going gets tough. Camels also have thick hair in their ears for keeping out sand; they also sport closable nostrils, an eye membrane, and wide feet that act like snow- shoes in the land. Desert plants may have to go without fresh water for years at a time. Some plants have adapted to the arid climate by growing long roots that tap water from deep underground. Other plants, such as cacti, have special means conserving years old.
Some of the world’s semi- arid regions are turning into deserts at an alarming rate. This process, known as desertification., is not caused by drought, but usually arises from the demands of human population that settles The soil by the hooves of livestock may degrade the soil and encourage (erosion warming deserts. Higher temperature may produce an increasing number of wildfires eliminating slow - growing trees and shrubs and replacing them with fast- growing grasses. Answer following questions, 1.
Explain what you understand by barren and dry land. What do you understand by rich habitats? How have desert animals and plants in arid climate adapted themselves to the use of less water. Describe the process of desertification. What are the camel’s two most visible features that make it perfect for deserts? Precis Writing (7.
Marks)Q3. Make a precis of the following passage in about one- third of its length. Do not give a title to it.
The precis should be written in your own language. The means may be equated to a seed, the end to a tree; and there is just the same inviolable connection between the means and the end as there is between the seed and the tree.
I am not likely to obtain the result flowing from the worship of God by laying myself prostrate before Satan. If, therefore, anyone were to say; . We reap exactly as we sow.
If I want to deprive you of your watch, I shall certainly have to fight for it; if I want to buy your watch, I shall have to pay you for it; and if I want it as a gift, I shall have to plead for it; and according to the means I employ, the watch is a stolen property, different results from three different means. Will you still say that means do not matter ?
Let us proceed a little further. A well- armed anger argue that you want to punish that rogue the good of your neighbours; you have collected a number of armed men, you want to take his house by assault; he is duly informed of it, he runs away; he, too is increased.
He collects his brother- robbers, and sends you a defiant message that he will commit robbery in broad daylight. You are strong, you donot fear him. You’re prepared to receive him.
Meanwhile, the robber pesters complain before you. You reply that you are doing all their sake, you donot mind that your own goods have been stolen. Your neighbours reply that robber never pestered them before, and that he commenced his depredations only after you declared hostilities against hi. You’re between Scylla and Charybdis. You’re full of pity for the poor men. What they say is true. What are you to do?
You’ll be disgraced if you now leave the robber alone. You, therefore, tell the poor men: . Come, my wealth is yours. I will give you arms. I will train you how to use them; you should belabour the rogue; don’t you leave him alone.’ And so the battle grows. The robbers increase in numbers; your neighbours have deliberately put themselves to inconvenience. Thus the result of wanting to take revenge upon the robber is that you have disturbed your own peace; you are in perpetual fear of being robbed and assaulted; your courage has given place to cowardice.
If you patiently examine the argument, you will see that I have not overdrawn the picture. This is one of the means. Now let us examine the other. You set this armed robber down as an ignorant brother, you intend to reason with him at a suitable opportunity; you argue that he is? You, therefore, decide that when you can, you will destroy the mans motive for stealing.
Whilst you are thus reasoning with yourself, the man comes again to steal. Instead of being angry with him, you take pity on him. Henceforth, you keep your doors and windows open, you change your sleeping place, and you keep your things in a manner most accessible to him. The robber comes again and is confused as ail this is new to him; nevertheless, he takes away your things. But his mind is agitated. He enquires about you in the village, he comes to learn about your broad and loving heart; he repents, he begs your pardon, returns you your things, and leaves off the stealing habit.
He becomes your servant, and you find tor him honourable employment. This is the second method. Thus, you see, different means have brought about totally different results.
I do not wish to deduce from this that robbers will act in the above manner or that all will have the same pity and love like you. I only wish to show that fair means alone can produce fair results, and that, at least in the majority of cases, if not indeed in all, the force of love and pity is infinitely greater than the force of arms. There Is harm jn the exercise of force, never in that of pity. English Grammar (5.
Marks)Q4(a) Rewrite the following sentences after making necessary changes in the original corrections. Do not make unnecessary changes in the original sentence (1. He enjoyed during the holidays. Whoever works hard he will win. The man who knocked at the door was stranger. I asked my colleague when was he going to his home town. Besides clothes, the shopkeeper deals with cosmetics too.
He is desirous for joining the army. The judge said that the truth always triumphed. Sachin Tendulkar is the best batsman India has produced, isn’t it? More you read less you understand.