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There had been a promise to get pet war dogs to travel with squads that you send on raids, rather than having them stay home waiting for their masters. Short is out! Short of Kitfox Games had the foresight to get somebody to film the procedural generation panel we were on at PAX (normally they don't film them), and it is now up on You.
Title Analysts slides Model Press releases Q&A Webcast HTML; ArcelorMittal reports second quarter 2017 and half year 2017 results. The Iron Giant is a 1999 American animated science-fiction comedy-drama action film using both traditional animation and computer animation, produced by Warner Bros. Universe Sandbox 2 (Universe Sandbox²) is a physics based space simulation video game developed and published by Giant Army. It merges real-time gravity, c. A Monster Calls (2016) Movie Trailers.
Mughal Steel. DIVIDEND MANDATEIn accordance with SECP's directives, all shareholders, who have not yet opted for dividend mandate, are requested to authorize the company to directly credit all future cash dividends to their bank account by conveying following particulars to our Shares Registrar M/s THK Associates (Pvt.) Limited, 2nd Floor, State Life Building No. Zia- ud- Din Ahmed Road,Karachi- 7. Pakistan. Tel: 0.
Title of Bank Account Bank Account No. Bank Name. Branch Name and Address. Cell/Landline Number of Shareholder. CNIC NOCOPY OF VALID CNICPursuant to the directives of the SCEP, CNIC number is mandatorily required to be mentioned on dividend warrants. In case of non- receipt of the copy of valid CNIC, the company would be unable to comply with SRO 8.
May 15, 2015. Mughal Steel Signs Technical Conceptual Design Consultancy and Supervision Project Management Agreement for 55 MW Coal Fired Power Project with UJV of. MP3 Downloads - Audio News, Interviews Need inteviews, audio essays, and news, MP3 style? GP's audio download has real news to turn your player into a brain. The best deals to be found on the web, all in one place for your convenience! There are many interpretations to the internet for this web marketing or similar terms such as: online marketing, internet marketing, e-marketing and others. Brad Bird, Writer: Ratatouille. Phillip Bradley "Brad" Bird is an American director, screenwriter, animator, producer and occasional voice actor, known for both.
July 2. 01. 2 of SECP and therefore may be constrained under Section 2. Companies Ordinance, 1. Please submit a copy of your valid CNIC (only Physical Shareholders), if not already provided to the Shares Registrar of the Company. Corporate Account Holders should submit National Tax Number, if not yet submitted.
No. Nature of Shareholder. Rate of deduction. Filers of income tax return. Non- Filer of income tax return. Income Tax will be deducted on the basis of Active Tax Payers List posted on the Federal Board of Revenue website. Members seeking exemption from deduction of income tax or are eligible for deduction at a reduced rate are requested to submit a valid tax certificate or necessary documentary evidence, as the case may be. September 2. 01. 4, the SECP has allowed circulation of Audited Financial Statements along with notice of Annual General Meeting to the members through email.
Therefore, all members who wish to receive soft copy of the Annual Report shall fill the consent form for electronic transmission and send it to registered office of the Company, 3. Shadman 1, Lahore. Form of Consent is available online at download section.