Use the Health app on your i. Phone or i. Pod touch. The Health app shows your health and fitness information all in one place. I Am The Blues (2017) Video Download. To use the Health app, download the latest version of i.
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OS for your i. Phone or i. Pod touch. Then you can track health information from multiple sources, like compatible apps and fitness accessories. Set up your health data. Open the Health app and tap Health Data to set up and view information that the Health app tracks. You can also edit your profile, view health records, and add categories that you want the Health app to track. To get started, tap a health and fitness category and download a recommended app.
Track data from health and fitness apps. On i. Phone 5s and later, the Health app automatically counts your steps, walking, and running distances. You can add additional categories for Health to track: Tap a category, like Activity, to view an introductory video and see recommended apps that can help you get started.
Download a recommended app to track and gather information for that category. After you install the app, open it and set it up to send data to the Health app. Open the Health app, tap Sources, and tap the app. Turn on the categories that you want to see data for in the Health app.
To see health data for the category that you set up, tap the category. If the Health app doesn’t track steps or other information from your i. Phone or another device, tap Sources and tap your device or accessory under Devices. Then tap Privacy Settings > Motion & Fitness and make sure that Fitness Tracking is turned on.
Set up a BT heart rate monitor. You can track health information from a BT heart rate monitor. Use Bluetooth to pair your BT heart rate monitor with your i.
OS device. Then information from your accessory is automatically sent to the Health app. To see data from your BT heart rate monitor, open the Health app and tap Health Data > Vitals. Collect health data from your Apple Watch.
After you set up Apple Watch, it automatically sends Activity data to the Health app on i. Phone. To view your move, exercise, stand data, and goals, tap Health Data, then tap Activity. To see your heart rate data, tap Health Data, tap Vitals, then tap Heart Rate.
Learn more about accuracy and limitations of the heart rate sensor. To see data from the Breathe app, tap Health Data, then tap Mindfulness. Learn more about the Breathe app on your Apple Watch. Track your bedtime. Bedtime in the Clock app can help you start a regular bedtime schedule. Set the amount of time you want to set aside for sleep each night and the Clock app can remind you to go to bed in time and sound an alarm to wake you up. To set up Bedtime in the Clock app: Open the Clock app and tap Bedtime.
Tap Get Started and answer a few questions, like how many hours of sleep you need each night and a time you need to wake up. When you're finished, tap Save. To see data from Bedtime, open the Health app and tap Sleep. View your daily progress. Tap Today to see your stats for today.
To view health data from another day, tap a different date on the calendar. Tap any metric, like Steps, to see more information. If you have an i.
Phone 6s or later, you can press deeply using 3. D Touch to see more details about that metric.
You can also add a metric to Favorites so it appears at the top of the Today screen. Manually enter health data. Want to enter your blood pressure or other health data from a doctor's visit?
You can manually add health data to the Health app. Just follow these steps: Tap Health Data, then tap a health category, like Vitals. Tap a data type, like Blood Pressure. Tap . Enter the date, time, and data for that activity. When you're finished, tap Add. Import and view your health record. A health record typically contains information such as medications, immunizations, lab results, and more.
If you receive a health record as a ZIP or XML file, you can import and store it in the Health app. View an imported health record. Open Health, then tap Health Data.
Tap Health Records. Tap the health record you want to view.
Protect your privacy. The Health app keeps your health and fitness information under your control and in one place on your device. The information that you create or gather about yourself is yours to use and share.
You decide what information goes into the Health app and which apps can get your information from the Health app. All of your health information stored in the Health app is encrypted with your passcode when you lock your i. Phone. Apps that access Health.
Kit must have a privacy policy. Review an app's privacy policy before allowing access to your health and fitness information. Back up your health information. You can save the information stored in your Health app by backing up your i. OS device with i. Cloud. Your information gets encrypted as it goes between i.
Cloud and your device, and while it's stored in i. Cloud. If you aren't using i. Cloud, you can back up your information in the Health app by encrypting your i. Tunes backup. There's no way to recover your information or turn off Encrypt Backupif you lose or forget the password. Information about products not manufactured by Apple, or independent websites not controlled or tested by Apple, is provided without recommendation or endorsement. Apple assumes no responsibility with regard to the selection, performance, or use of third- party websites or products.
Apple makes no representations regarding third- party website accuracy or reliability. Risks are inherent in the use of the Internet. Contact the vendor for additional information. Other company and product names may be trademarks of their respective owners.